Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Corporate !!! What is corporate all about...

Bookish definition of Corporate :

Corporate is a business or entity which has separate legal personality, with limited liability or unlimited liability for its members or shareholders, who buy and sell their shares/stocks depending on the performance of the board of directors.

Everyone around us discussing about our jobs and the culture we had in IT industry or in any Corporate... Yesterday I am having a discussion with my uncle regarding the culture and the career opportunity in our organizations... And interestingly he has given me one the examples where in he explains me with an example...

He has asked me one interesting question and asked me to share my thoughts on the same?

Here you go...

One person posts an aid for the job... wherein he says that he is offering a job for one of the person and the list of facilities he is providing goes like this:

1. One Bicycle

2. One Hat

3. Two dress for Job

4. One pair of shoes...

Here is the Job Profile

1. On each day he need to take a Bicycle and move to one place.

2. Owner has called to that place to give two tiffin’s of food to the person who is coming by Bicycle.

3. One tiffin with food need to be given to the person who is offering this job.

4. Second tiffin is taken by the person who is carrying the tiffin’s from one location to another...

Question here is on looking into this Advertisement does any one came for the Job...

Answer is... Yes... We all are doing the same thing...

We are the professionals who is taking two tiffin’s from the predefined locations and giving it to our organization and in return organization is giving us a one tiffin ( our salary) ... Bicycle, Hat and so on are the part of the infrastructure/Perk which our company is offering to us...If on one day we are not able to get two tiffin’s for our company... You know what i mean to say... And if on one fine day we get three tiffin’s as we are getting two tiffin’s from that person daily so because of our relationship/sincerity/Professionalism if we start getting three tiffin’s... Perks/Salary/Promotions are coming our way...

This is what we are doing and doing from ages... We always earn more for our company/Boss so that we get paid...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Knowing yourself is important !!!

Who am I ??? What i am doing ??? How often we ask these questions to ourself... I ask these questions to myself on daily basis... Reason is pretty simple i want to know myself and still i found my reactions are different on same situations :( Again, I believe in introspection i believe every thing good or evil has a purpose and there is nothing without purpose here in our surrounding !!!

In my earlier assignment i was dealing with multiple logical brains and on each day i am having a challenge to handle the different situations which comes my way... ONE thing i learnt is knowing oneself is important because i believe you can better judge yourself rather th other... Rhonda Bryne "The Secret" quoted a beautiful sentence "Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable."

I am not talking about spirituality here rather what i am trying to say is it is important for us to give some time to us also because we spent lot of time in office\, Planning, Deadlines and so on and after five day when weekend comes and how it goes we never realize... It is important for us to think and think about ourself... The questions i mentioned above need to be asked to ourself on daily basis and one fine day you will be having answers to everything...

We are living in time where each individual have a focus for their career, their passion… things that they wanna do in their idle time .. We have started enjoying this and this is time where we are going wrong because everyone of us are in so much of comfortability zone that none of us want to come out of this. We are tied up in that unpersuasive schedule...

Answer below questions and you will find your self in strange situation:
1. What i have done in past 7 days, 1 month , 1 year... ?
2. Is i am adding values to society or to my family?
3. WHO AM I?
