Excellence never come with Knowledge it is far more than that...
yes, Knowledge is important for achieving the "Excellence" but it is not the only quality you require to achieve "Excellence"... Many of us always afraid of failures and mistakes... But a person who commits mistakes and meet with a failures that person would be ahead of the person who doesn't meet with mistakes and failures in life... Because a person who meets with failures and have done mistakes who knows what not to do and how to come out from those situations...
No one in this world is expecting from you that you not commit any mistakes or you never meet with failures... It is important that you not repeat your mistakes because you are losing the respect if you made same mistakes more than one time... The more mistakes you make, the more you know what not to do So here comes one more quality you need to posses except your knowledge i.e. For "Excellence" you need to learn from your mistakes... एक बार गलती होती है बार बार करने पर उसे गुनाह कहते है...
Some of the points extracted from the Harsha Bhogle's speech on "Excellence"
- If you have ego and anger on your side, you don't need an opponent. I try not to have an ego. Subjugate the self - lose the EGO.
- Everybody in the top 10% will have the same talent. So what's your USP? You work ethic and attitude counts for far far more than your talent.
- Arrogance often comes in the way of excellence.
- When we reach a certain level, we start surrounding ourselves with smaller people. Or - we start hating criticism. on the path to excellence, it is always very crucial to have people around you who can tell you whether you are doing right or wrong.
- Everything I have done is because I have loved it.
- Chase your performance goals - chase your professional goals - let the result take care of itself. Perfect the process of performance - don't allow the pressure of the result to choke your performance.
- Focus on excellence in preparation and performance. Set yourself performance goals, not result goals.
- When we lose - we seek excuses. People who are excellent never say - I was great BUT..That just means you are putting the blame on somebody else. This means, you are not great already.
- Some people have always used their talent to succeed. So they don't know how to succeed in case you failed.
Some of us never know how good we can be. People who have achieved excellence have always been ready to stretch their own limits. (When will you be ready to take chances? When you are ready to face the results - when you are sure of yourself.)
'Let me try and see what happens. What is the worst thing that will happen? You'll fail. Are you scared of failure? You will also know what you cannot do. All of us learn by trying.
Excellence is always in the present. Sometimes, we are too anxious about the future - sometimes we are too caught up in the past. You must make the most of what you have now. People for whom the past is more glorious than the present will never succeed! Excellence lives in the present.
किसी ने सही ही कहा है... पल भर के साथ ही दूर हो जायेगी मंजिल... हम ही नहीं रास्ते भी चला करते है...
Awesome sir..
ReplyDeleteKeep Writing..
Vivek @ http://acharyavivek.blog.co.in