Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is patience and Cool Dude Attitude is the Key for management ?

It always thrills me to see different Guys from Management from my surroundings... All of them are different and yet to be good in Management... We need to understand Management required different skills like... People management/Deliverables responsibility/Reporting/Assigning the task/Tracking of the task and so on...

I always believe As a good Management Guy you need to possess at least all above mentioned qualities... I always like to lead and lead from front and with good sense of responsibility, courage(of Failures... Because i believe failures are the learning lessons and it is required for success), Decision making...

I suddenly start realizing need of two more qualities in Management i.e. PATIENCE AND COOL DUDE ATTITUDE... I am glad that i am working with some of the champs of the industry.... Just by sheer presence of these Guy's i am learning and keep on learning the lessons... Which will help me in a long run... I Always believe when you stop learning you downfall starts at the same point of time!!!

What these qualities add to your Management is how to make your teammates cool and relax in pressure cooker scenario... I am firm believer some time you need to be hard from the Management perspective...

One of the good link i have come across and i found it worth reading...

Yes, I believe PATIENCE and COOL DUDE ATTITUDE is the key for Management!!!


If You Can't Create Your Own Answers In The Examination Then Management Is Not Meant For You...

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